When is paintball on tv
Given their rivalry, it devolves into physical melee, and then the clip of live ammo gets loaded and fired. We also see mech-scaled paintballs used for training in Macross Frontier and Macross Delta. Chapters of Assassination Classroom Season 2 Episode of the anime has the entire class engage in a paintball civil war to settle the dispute on whether they want to kill or save Koro-sensei. In the Moriarty the Patriot novels, William James Moriarty's crew has a paintball fight as combat training.
Asian Animation. Comic Books. Hardly anyone wore face protection of any kind - and every character who wore glasses got hit at least once in them. Even many of those who did not were glasses were hit in the face, but those were "off screen".
Not to mention "firefights" with participants being hit sometimes dozens of times how do they even know who won? IDW's G. Joe series has the training exercise variation. A group of Joes armed only with paintball weapons have to attempt to infiltrate the Pit. A pair of Cobra commandos kill most of the team who mistake them for their opponents , leaving three essentially unarmed Joes Cover Girl, Downtown and Tripwire to take on the Cobra soldiers. One of the stories in a Punisher Summer Special had Frank tracking down a gang of killers who disguised themselves as paintball players while equipping their weapons with live rounds.
Vision even drives the team to a paintball arena in a van. He tells his family over a dinner about a time when he and his squad wish to have a practice battle on a paintball field.
Several smilodonian youths are there for the same purpose, and the two sides decide to go against each other. The soldiers see no reason to go easy on the youths all of whom have received some military instruction. Pessimal has the Caltech gang inviting their Discworld counterparts for a pleasant afternoon of paintballing. They have failed to take into account that Johanna Smith-Rhodes is a trained Assassin.
And, in her cover identity as a visiting teaching academic at Caltech, is obliged to turn out for a different team. Zoology note populated by academics who know all about stealthy inobtrusive movement in order to track and observe animals in the wild without spooking them therefore treat Physics to a Curb-Stomp Battle.
When training for combat, witch-pilots of the Air Watch use "cold fire" - simulated fireballs which have none of the destructive fiery qualities, effectively blank rounds - to "tag" each other as simulated kills when rehearsing air-combat and engaging in mock dogfights.
In the training exercise at the beginning of The Living Daylights , the guards shot the infiltrating spies with paintballs at least that was the intention despite their lack of face protection. Partially justified because the guards were SAS troopers, so if they don't want to shoot you in the face you won't get shot in the face. During the gun battle exercise in the film version of Get Smart , the agents involved used military simunition instead of real bullets.
While they wore protective body armor and goggles, none of them wore facemasks or helmets. Man of the Year has Robin Williams taking his staff paintballing for a team building exercise. The Film of the Series S.
The lovely but little-known film Prom Wars ends the titular wars with a paintball fight. Jarhead uses it almost realistically during its characters' training time. One grunt asks the stupid question-"Them paintball bullets They weren't in the film very long. The paintball match in Severance ended prematurely due to a character getting caught in a Bear Trap. The campers seemed properly equipped in Return to Sleepaway Camp , except for Alan.
Since everyone including most of the counselors and other employees hate him, all the players surrounded him and shoot him a bajillion times. While performing in airshows, the heroes use paint rounds for mock dogfights.
Nearly results in a Training "Accident" when one pilot's guns are secretly loaded with live rounds. When McClane says to stick with him to live, he asks Gruber if he's ever fired a gun. Gruber lies that he spent a weekend at a "Combat Ranch" whose guns shoot bullets of red paint.
The opening chapter of The Science of Discworld II has Ridcully attempt a team building exercise by taking the wizards into the woods with their staffs set to paint spells. Unfortunately, wizards don't do team building: Senior Wrangler : I'm on your side! Dean : But you made such a good target!
Wobbler : It was a tin of paint. You might have loosened the lid, at least. Live Action TV. Primeval Season 2 Full face masks, but they're removed by the minor characters and one guy, mask semi-removed, shoots the girls multiple times. He then takes his mask off again in an empty clearing. He is soon killed by a saber-tooth tiger. Spaced used goggles instead of full face masks, and a total absence of marshals. This allows some acknowledged dangerous shots to occur, mostly Tim firing at Dwayne's crotch.
Several times admittedly causing a severe injury Tim: No hard feelings eh? Newspaper Comics. In one Dilbert strip, the Pointy-Haired Boss signed the team up for a paintball course as a "team building exercise", but instead of them going out to a paintballing field, he interpreted it as hunting them in the office with a paintball gun, without them being aware of it. Obviously, they didn't have on any protective gear, and in the confines of office spaces it would've been difficult to avoid "point blank" shots, both of which are major no-nos.
Video Games. In the webcomic Life of Riley the BOBs are able to gain an early lead over the forces of darkness in their "Paintbrawl" specifically because the bad guys don't understand the rules. PvP did a paintball arc in early that was very careful about getting the details right, with proper masks and realistic paintball guns and terminology and rules.
The one exception was Francis using a HALO helmet instead of a regular paintball mask, though in this case the marshals at least discussed it.
Up to the point where Brent got a dislocated nipple maybe Scott Kurtz was afraid the strips weren't zany enough. Then the cast snuck onto the course at night with no marshal and did all the things they weren't supposed to do, but at least then it was justified and they even pointed it out later. That sequence features a cameo from "Doc", who runs a paintball shop in Alaska and draws The Whiteboard , a paintball-themed Web Comic , as well as a human version of the owner of the paintball field from that comic, "Red".
This may have contributed to the accuracy. Also, Kurtz's commentary during the arc indicates he'd planned to go through the arc with the usual trappings including the blind cast member Reggie participating until readers more familiar with the sport called him out on it.
As mentioned above, The Whiteboard totally averts this, as the author makes markers for the game. Not to mention Doc can get a little annoyed by people disregarding the rules. Mandatory equipment for his referees include duct tape and mallets, and tazers for refs of smaller stature. An arc ending shortly before Christmas featured a field that tends to bend or even disregard all the rules, including mask regulations, chronographing note checking paintball speed, with feet per second being a common upper limit , and wiping off paint spots from hits.
Sluggy Freelance 's "Sistine Shrapnel" arc, complete with Torg being a wuss about getting hit and Riff illegally modifying his marker. Western Animation.
King of the Hill had a particularly egregious episode where a teenage bully torments Bobby on the paintball field and Hank and his buddies end up sucked into a paintball match with him. To them, were a bunch of guys in camo running around the woods playing Rambo. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
I could just see it now In reality, ours is one of the safest sports on the planet and doesn't promote violence. It is very exciting and fast paced though, so that could be a problem for commercial breaks! We can only hope one day we'll reach mainstream TV time and people will see our great sport for what it is. Hey, if nothing else, we could always take the time slots afforded soccer! It is on TV , fox sports channel has a weekly show on paintball and tourneys.
Its called splatterfactor. It is booring to watch. Slap the heck out of me if you like, but it is true. Every time I go into a paintball store they are playing some Sup'Air video. The whole time I'm in the store the camera is fixed on the same back player pouring two cases of paint into the same bunker. Paintballs move two quickly for television heck we can hardly fallow golf balls.
There is no way for a camera to follow a front player around without getting in the way. The arenas need to be built for television. They need to have cameras mounted on bunkers throughout, and at least two cranes to follow the action up front.
It also needs good editing for instant replays and slow motion tags. It also needs more legitimate regional teams. At present it is a mercenary sport like motocross. All the marketing potential of pro sports comes from having regional teams with a regional fan base. Then people can start buying Jerseys and players can get Marker contracts. Until some of that stuff happens, it will just be these guys you don't know vs. And if the camera work remains the same, the few in players that do watch will just stare and wonder what the heck is going on.
Originally posted by TransMan dre is exactly right the media is too liberal and think thats any sport that involves guns is horrible it doesnt matter what the rating would be because whatever there were it would be higher than bowling which i saw on ESPN this weekend so thats not a factor its all about the media and politics unless you could find a completly independent station that is willing to broadcast paintball you wont find a whole lot of it on TV anytime soon and FOX is one of the less liberal stations ABC controled Disney is ultra liberal if anyone hasnt noticed yet feel free to flame on any of my ideas :D Thanks man.
Yes, the media sucks. Yeah, Patron, most of that is very true. The action sequences in "Push" were very well done, but then again, that's a movie production where they have time to edit and alter.
TV, even taped, would present a much bigger challenge. I don't think it's impossible or anything, but some skill would have to be involved. I agree, speedball can be boring as hell Never say paintball is boring! And it wasn't just once, it was on like five freakin times.
Now that is boring! Each player wears a lipstick cam on their mask somewhere so people could see what the player sees. Then the boom cams can get up top and from bird's eye views of people in different bunkers. The refs could wear lipstick cams to get angles from the middle of the field and not be targeted. Then have some stationary cams setup from different angles on bunkers. They'd have to be enclosed in case being hit.. A big reason paintball is not tv friendly is spectators don't know what to watch.
There is no central ball like hockey, basketball, football where the crowd can follow. Hopefully x-ball will change this. There is no reason Paintball can't show very well on TV. BUT - it would take someone willing to invest the money is properly taping, editing, and presenting the material.
There needs to be background on the players, file footage of the major stars, slowmo replay of important moves, and during the game commentary by people who know the game,a dn know sports media. Very hard to get all of that together. Even harder when media execs are liberal and don't want to admit paintball might make a good show.
I think you'd find that most sports TV nuts would be willing to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon to watch some really well-done play.
Whether they enjoy the sport or not. Think about figure skating. Me, I would MUCH rather watch pro skaters do a program designed to entertain than a bunch of compulsory crap designed for the judges. But there are commentators who describe the moves, talk about the various skaters strengths and weaknesses - and comment on the performance that makes it understandable by almost anyone. We need THAT for paintball! Something to chew on. Still some ideas. I have been in the business for almost 20 years, and have worked for ESPN, Fox and a lot of local sports networks.
If the network can make money off of it, which means up front and by selling advertising, they will show it. If I want to put a show on ESPN I have to pay them for the air time and convince them that they can sell the available air time I leave them in the show. I get to add 4 to 6 minutes of commercials and they get the rest of the time. It they can't sell it, they won't buy it. And the production has to be up to their standards. No offense, but TraumaHead wouldn't cut it.
Neither would my productions right now. We are both small time. I hope to eventually get a show on TV. Maybe a single tournament, but it would have to be a big one. It takes money though. And that doesn't include editing.
Another big problem is the way tournaments are held.