It was also the location of the first U. Fort Madison was one of three posts established by the U. Army to establish control over the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territories. The other two posts were Fort Belle Fontaine near St. Louis, which controlled the mouth of the Missouri, and Fort Osage, near what is now Kansas City, which controlled trade with western Native American tribes. A disputed treaty with the Sauk and affiliated tribes led to the U.

To establish control, the U. Army set out to construct a post near the mouth of the Des Moines River, a major trading route into the interior of Iowa. Noy finding suitable land near the mouth of the Des Moines, the expedition also considered land near Quashquame's, Sauk and Meskwaki village at the head of the Des Moines Rapids, a choke point of trade and transportation on the Upper Mississippi below modern Montrose, Iowa. Again, this land was not considered suitable for a fort.

The Army settled on a location several miles upstream at what is now the City of Fort Madison. First called Fort Bellevue, this post was soon deemed inadequate. It was poorly situated at the base of a bluff next to a deep ravine, areas from which enemies could safely fire at the fort.

Trade led to resentment among Indians, especially the Sauk; the treaty was considered invalid by the Sauk, the fort threatened established trading networks, and American trade goods were considered inferior to French or British goods. Black Hawk lamented over the new fort, and disparaged its construction in his autobiography: "A number of people immediately went down to see what was going on, myself among them.

On our arrival, we found they were building a fort. The soldiers were busily engaged in cutting timber, and I observed that they took their arms with them when they went into the woods. The whole party acted as they would do in an enemy's country. The chiefs held a council with the officers, or headmen of the party, which I did not attend, but understood from them that the war chief had said that they were building homes for a trader who was coming there to live and would sell us goods very cheap, and the soldiers were to remain to keep him company.

The team was an affiliate of the St. According to the United States Census Bureau , the city has a total area of The lowest point in the state of Iowa is feet m located at the confluence of the Des Moines River with the Mississippi just southwest of Keokuk.

Keokuk has a humid continental climate. As of the census of , there are 10, people, 4, households, and 2, families residing in the city. The racial makeup of the city is There are 4, households out of which The average household size is 2. Population spread: The median age is 40 years. For every females there are For every females age 18 and over, there are As of the census of , there are 11, people, 4, households, and 3, families residing in the city. The population density is 1, There are 5, housing units at an average density of The median age is 38 years.

Out of the total population, The Mississippi River lock and dam along with the hydroelectric power plant were built in They still use most of the original equipment. When the plant began operation in August , it was the largest single powerhouse electric generating plant in the world.

He was a man of extraordinary eloquence in council and never at a loss in an emergency. He was a noble looking man about six feet tall, portly and weighing over pounds. He had an eagle eye, dignified bearing, and a manly, intelligent expression of countenance.

This bridge which is 3, feet long and 64 feet wide eliminates the tie up of traffic from the former swing span bridge, allowing both automobile and barge traffic to move more efficiently.

For years the citizens of Keokuk, Iowa had been dreaming of creating a river museum which would serve as a perpetual reminder of the tremendous amount of river lore that is associated with this community. The George M. Verity is permanently berthed in Victory Park, which is on the Mississippi River just a few yards below Lock To passers-by on the river and to tourists traveling on the road, this makes a very interesting and historical stop.

A 1, feet long, feet wide lock with new guide walls was completed in It greatly facilitates river traffic, enhances the riverfront immeasurably and provides one of the greatest improvements on the entire Mississippi River.

It replaced a foot lock built with the dam in Prior to the construction of the dam across the Mississippi River, the first and largest of its kind when erected, Keokuk was the shipping headquarters of the river. Just above the city were a series of rapids and channels, and further water traffic involved heavy lightening charges and transshipment. Keokuk has always been a natural shipping point due to its excellent location.

The city is located on bluffs approximately feet high and has an average altitude of feet above sea level, Memphis datum. It rises in the northwestern part of the state and flows diagonally across the state to Keokuk. Its course has always been a natural highway. When Lt. He accounts for it on the hypothesis that when the French voyageurs visited St. The history of the early inhabitants of this vicinity was never recorded.

However, this section of the country was probably originally overrun by the Algonquin tribes. One of these tribes was called the Illinois, or Illini, and they were probably the first tribe to inhabit this region.

In the latter part of the 17th Century, the Illini were a powerful nation, consisting of five subordinate tribes, namely: The Kaskaskias, Peorias, Tamaroas, Michiganis and Cahokias. Besides their country east of the Mississippi, they occupied a large district between that river and the Des Moines, in what is now the southeastern part of Iowa. The Ottawa chief, Pontiac, who led the uprising against the white settlements and post in , was assassinated by some of the Illini in , whereupon the Sacs and Foxes, allies of Pontiac, declared war against the Illini and in time almost exterminated the tribe.

The Iowa Indians Sleepy Ones , from whom the state takes its name, were one of the southern Siouan tribes included by Dorsey with Otoes and Missouris in his Chiwere group. According to their traditions, they once formed part of the Winnebago nation, with which they lived north of the Great Lakes. In a member of the tribe prepared a map showing the movements of the Iowas from the time they settled on the Rock River.

The legend accompanying the map says that the tribe separated from the Sacs and Foxes and wandered off westward in search of a new home. Crossing the Mississippi River, they turned southward and reach a high bluff near the mouth of the Iowa River. The territory thus appropriated by the Iowas included the present county of Lee, though the tribe afterward established its headquarters in what is now Mahaska County, which bears the name of a noted Iowa chief.

The Iowa Indians have long since disappeared, but the name remains to designate one of the great states of the Mississippi Valley. The Sacs and Foxes, the principal Indians in Iowa history, are always spoken of as one people, though originally they were two separate and distinct tribes of the great Algonquin family.

About , the Sacs and Foxes crossed the Mississippi near Prairie du Chien and established themselves in Iowa about where the city of Dubuque now stands. The Sacs and Foxes were ruled over by one chief. At one time Black Hawk was their recognized leader, and at one time he was one of the greatest of American Indian chiefs born of Sac parents, was the leader of both tribes. Black Hawk elected to join them with the English in the War of , and his leadership passed on to Keokuk after its close.

Keokuk the watchful fox was born in His mother was allegedly a French half-breed. He arose to his position of leadership through sheer merit and diplomacy. He was a cunning master of intrigue. He converted most of the tribe to his views in the Black Hawk War and remained peaceful.

In a debate in Washington, D. In , after Columbus had discovered the New World, the Pope granted to the King and Queen of Spain, all territory inhabited by infidels, thus in a vague way included the present state of Iowa along with the rest of the New World.

In , the English government granted to the Plymouth Company all the lands between the 40th and 48th parallels of north latitude from sea to sea. In , the Massachusetts Bay Company received an English charter, which included a strip about miles wide through the central part of Iowa.

Thus Iowa and Keokuk were originally claimed by both the English and the Spanish. In May, , Marquette, Joliet and five boatmen in two large canoes moved up Lake Michigan and to the headwaters of the Fox River and crossed by portage to the Wisconsin River, and on June 17 first saw the Mississippi River opposite the present town of McGregor, Iowa.

On June 25, they landed near the present town of Toolesboro, the first known whites to set foot there. They entered the Indian village and smoked the pipe of peace near the present Iowa River. They passed on down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Arkansas River before returning to Canada. On April 6, , LaSalle completed his exploration of the Mississippi River and claimed all the territory drained by the great river and its tributaries for France, and gave it the name Louisiana in honor of the French king.

English traders and trappers overran the territory of Louisiana, and ultimately the French and Indian War began in As a result of the war, Great Britain obtained everything east of the Mississippi River according to the treaty of Paris, Feb. France obtained everything west of the Mississippi River. After the Revolutionary War, the west boundary of the U. The right to the use of the Mississippi River for trade and commerce was a controversial subject, and as soon as Spain ceded Louisiana back to France in , the U.

President Jefferson sent Robert R. Livingston and James Monroe to negotiate a treaty, which resulted in the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. Shortly after the Louisiana Purchase, on March 26, , President Jefferson authorized the division of the vast area into the Territory of Orleans, which included all that part north of the 33rd parallel.

The District of Louisiana, the north part, contained the present State of Iowa the Northwest Territory had been organized in In , the name of the District of Louisiana was changed to the Territory of Missouri. When the State of Missouri was admitted into the Union in March, , the north par of the area, including Iowa, was left without any form of civil government.

By the treaty of Aug. Statutes at large, page the tract of land lying south of the southern boundary of Iowa extending across the Des Moines River due east to the Mississippi was reserved for the half-breeds of the various Indian tribes.

There has been considerable intermarriage of whites with the Indian women and the offspring were the beneficiaries of the , acres. In a later treaty the Indian tribes, not including the half-breeds, ceded all their remaining interests to the Federal Government.

Under the original grant the half-breeds had the right to occupy the land as the Indians occupied their reservations. They had no right to sell or convey it, the U. Other signatures subsequently were obtained, and in response to the petition, Congress passed an act, approved by President Jackson, on Jan.

Lee County quickly became one of the most active real estate markets in the country, and the foundation was laid for a vast amount of litigation. Indians would often claim ownership of land by virtue of being half-breeds and had no difficulty in proving their mixed blood by the Indians, and would then cheat the speculators by selling land to which they had no rightful title. On the other hand, speculators often claimed land to which they had no right.

It was diamond cut diamond, until at last things became badly mixed. There were no authorized surveys, no boundary lines to claims, and as a result, numerous quarrels ensued. The act of Jan.

The division line was due westward from the foot of Rock Island. These counties were rapidly organized, and on Oct. George W. Through his efforts and influence, the Territory of Michigan was divided and the region west of the Mississippi became a part of the Territory of Wisconsin, with Gov.

Henry Dodge as Governor. Dodge immediately ordered a census, and the area was found to have a population of 10, When the Indians returned and were asked about New York, they only expressed their disgust.

Boston was the only place in the United States, in their estimation, and their opinion has been shared in by many white people, who since that time have made a pilgrimage from the West to the famous shrines of the East.

While residing at Ottumwah-nac, Keokuk received a message from the Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, in which the latter invited Keokuk, as king of the Sacs and Foxes, to a royal conference at his palace at Nauvoo, on matters of the highest importance to their respective people.

The invitation was accepted, and at the appointed time the king of the Sacs and Foxes, accompanied by a stately escort on ponies, wended their way to the appointed interview with the great apostle of the Latter Day Saints. Keokuk, as before remarked, was a man of good judgment and keen insight into the human character. He was not easily misled by sophistry nor beguiled by flattery. The account of this interview with Smith, as given by the author of the "Annals", so well illustrates these traits of his character that we give it in full:.

The audience was given publicly in the great Mormon temple, and the respective chiefs were attended by their suits, the prophet by the dignitaries of the Mormon church, and the Indian potentate by the high civil and military functionaries of his tribe, and the Gentiles were comfortably seated as auditors.

After the prophet closed his harangue, Keokuk waited for the words of his pale-faced brother to sink deep into his mind, and in making his reply, assumed the gravest attitude and most dignified demeanor. He would not controvert anything his brother had said.

But he wished to inquire about some particulars his brother had not named, that were of the highest importance to him and his people.

The red man were not much used to milk, and he thought they would prefer streams of water and in the country they now were there was a good supply of honey. The points they wished to inquire into were, whether the new government would pay large annuities, and whether there was plenty of whisky. Joe Smith saw at once that he had met his match, and that Keokuk was not the proper material with which to increase his army of dupes, and closed the interview in as amiable and pleasant manner as possible.

Until Keokuk resided with his tribe on a reservation of square miles, situated on the Iowa river. His headquarters were at a village bearing his name, located on the right bank of the stream. In this year, in accordance with the stipulations of a treaty held at Davenport, Keokuk with his followers removed to this territory, now comprised in the bounds of Keokuk, Mahaska and Wapello counties. The agency for the Indians, was located at a point where is now located Agency City. At this time an effort was made to civilize the red man.

Farms were opened up, and two mills were erected, one on Soap creek, and one on Sugar creek. A salaried agent was employed to superintend these farming operations.

Keokuk, Wapello and Appanoose, each had a large field improved and cultivated. Keokuk's farm was located upon what is yet known as Keokuk's Prairie, in what is now Wapello county. The Indians did not make much progress in these farming operations, and in the absence of their natural and wanted excitements, became idle and careless.

Many of them plunged into dissipation. Keokuk himself became badly dissipated in the latter years of his life. Pathetic as was the condition of these savages at this time, it was but the legitimate result of the treatment which they had received.

They were confined to a fixed location, and provided with annuities by the government, sufficient to meet their wants from year to year. They were in this manner prevented from making those extensive excursions, and embarking in those war-like pursuits, which for time immemorial had formed the chief avenues for the employment of those activities, which for centuries had claimed the attention of the savage mind; and the sure and regular means of subsistence furnished by the government, took away from them the incentives for the employment of these activities, even had the means still existed.

In addition to this the Indian beheld his lands taken from him, and his tribe growing smaller year by year. Possessed of an ideal and imaginative intellect he could not help fore-casting the future, and thus being impressed with the, thought, that in a few years, all these land would be in the possession of the white man, while his tribe and his name would be swept into oblivion by the tide of emigration, which pressed in upon him from every side.

Keokuk saw all this, and seeing it, had neither the power nor inclination to prevent it. Take the best representative of the Anglo-Saxon race, and place him in similar circumstances, and he would do no better. Shut in by restraint from all sides, relieved from all the anxieties comprehended in that practical question, what shall we eat and wherewithal shall we be clothed and deprived of all those incentives springing from, and inspired by a lofty ambition, and the best of us, with all our culture and habits of industry, would fall into idleness and dissipation and our fall would be as great if not as low as was the fall of that unhappy people who formerly inhabited this country, and whose disappearance and gradual extinction we shall now be called upon to contemplate.

Wapello, the cotemporary of Keokuk and the inferior chief, after whom a neighboring county and county-seat were named, died before the Indians were removed the State, and thus escaped the hnmilatiol1 of the scene. He like his superior chief, was a fast friend of the whites and wielded an immense influence among the individuals of his tribe.

As is mentioned in a former chapter, he presided over three tribes in the vicinity of Fort Armstrong, during the time that frontier post was being erected.

In he removed his village to Muscatine Swamp, and then to a place near where is now located the town bearing his name.

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Article by Madhuri Thakur. What is the Warranty Expense? There are 3 essential aspects which should be known while recording the warranty expense journal entry: The number of units of product sold during the time period we require to record? The percentage of products sold which are expected to be repaired or replaced? It is based on prior experience and shall be an estimate. The average cost of replacements or repair under warranty? Example Let us consider the below example for a better understanding.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. These expenses hold more relevance in the case of manufacturing units where warranty expenses are more common and impact the business bottom line. Warranty expenses are always estimates and it is highly probable that actual expenses to satisfy warranty claims may not be the same requiring certain adjustments by the business.

This is a guide to Warranty Expense. Here we also discuss the definition and how to calculate warranty expense? You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more —. Submit Next Question. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Forgot Password? All projectors sold come with a two year warranty, in which Star Digital Systems will replace or repair the projector should it stop working as intended.

Keep in mind that this liability treatment is only necessary for companies that have to consistently repair or replace their products. By doing so, the financial statements most accurately represent all costs associated with product sales, and therefore indicate the true profitability associated with those sales. If the period covered by the warranty is changed by management, this will alter the warranty expense not only for those sales in the current period, but also for sales in prior periods whose warranties have now been extended into the current period.

If the cost of warranty claims were to instead be recognized only when the company processes actual claims from customers, the costs may not be recognized until several months after the associated sales. The financial reporting under this approach would yield inordinately high initial profits, followed by depressed profits in later months, for as long as the warranty period lasts.

If there is no information from which to derive a warranty estimate for use in an accrual, consider using industry information about warranty claims. This is especially useful when other products in the industry are similar to those sold by the company. If the amount of warranty expense recorded is significant, expect the company's auditors to investigate it.

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Given their rivalry, it devolves into physical melee, and then the clip of live ammo gets loaded and fired. We also see mech-scaled paintballs used for training in Macross Frontier and Macross Delta. Chapters of Assassination Classroom Season 2 Episode of the anime has the entire class engage in a paintball civil war to settle the dispute on whether they want to kill or save Koro-sensei. In the Moriarty the Patriot novels, William James Moriarty's crew has a paintball fight as combat training.

Asian Animation. Comic Books. Hardly anyone wore face protection of any kind - and every character who wore glasses got hit at least once in them. Even many of those who did not were glasses were hit in the face, but those were "off screen".

Not to mention "firefights" with participants being hit sometimes dozens of times how do they even know who won? IDW's G. Joe series has the training exercise variation. A group of Joes armed only with paintball weapons have to attempt to infiltrate the Pit. A pair of Cobra commandos kill most of the team who mistake them for their opponents , leaving three essentially unarmed Joes Cover Girl, Downtown and Tripwire to take on the Cobra soldiers. One of the stories in a Punisher Summer Special had Frank tracking down a gang of killers who disguised themselves as paintball players while equipping their weapons with live rounds.

Vision even drives the team to a paintball arena in a van. He tells his family over a dinner about a time when he and his squad wish to have a practice battle on a paintball field.

Several smilodonian youths are there for the same purpose, and the two sides decide to go against each other. The soldiers see no reason to go easy on the youths all of whom have received some military instruction. Pessimal has the Caltech gang inviting their Discworld counterparts for a pleasant afternoon of paintballing. They have failed to take into account that Johanna Smith-Rhodes is a trained Assassin.

And, in her cover identity as a visiting teaching academic at Caltech, is obliged to turn out for a different team. Zoology note populated by academics who know all about stealthy inobtrusive movement in order to track and observe animals in the wild without spooking them therefore treat Physics to a Curb-Stomp Battle.

When training for combat, witch-pilots of the Air Watch use "cold fire" - simulated fireballs which have none of the destructive fiery qualities, effectively blank rounds - to "tag" each other as simulated kills when rehearsing air-combat and engaging in mock dogfights.

In the training exercise at the beginning of The Living Daylights , the guards shot the infiltrating spies with paintballs at least that was the intention despite their lack of face protection. Partially justified because the guards were SAS troopers, so if they don't want to shoot you in the face you won't get shot in the face. During the gun battle exercise in the film version of Get Smart , the agents involved used military simunition instead of real bullets.

While they wore protective body armor and goggles, none of them wore facemasks or helmets. Man of the Year has Robin Williams taking his staff paintballing for a team building exercise. The Film of the Series S.

The lovely but little-known film Prom Wars ends the titular wars with a paintball fight. Jarhead uses it almost realistically during its characters' training time. One grunt asks the stupid question-"Them paintball bullets They weren't in the film very long. The paintball match in Severance ended prematurely due to a character getting caught in a Bear Trap. The campers seemed properly equipped in Return to Sleepaway Camp , except for Alan.

Since everyone including most of the counselors and other employees hate him, all the players surrounded him and shoot him a bajillion times. While performing in airshows, the heroes use paint rounds for mock dogfights.

Nearly results in a Training "Accident" when one pilot's guns are secretly loaded with live rounds. When McClane says to stick with him to live, he asks Gruber if he's ever fired a gun. Gruber lies that he spent a weekend at a "Combat Ranch" whose guns shoot bullets of red paint.

The opening chapter of The Science of Discworld II has Ridcully attempt a team building exercise by taking the wizards into the woods with their staffs set to paint spells. Unfortunately, wizards don't do team building: Senior Wrangler : I'm on your side! Dean : But you made such a good target!

Wobbler : It was a tin of paint. You might have loosened the lid, at least. Live Action TV. Primeval Season 2 Full face masks, but they're removed by the minor characters and one guy, mask semi-removed, shoots the girls multiple times. He then takes his mask off again in an empty clearing. He is soon killed by a saber-tooth tiger. Spaced used goggles instead of full face masks, and a total absence of marshals. This allows some acknowledged dangerous shots to occur, mostly Tim firing at Dwayne's crotch.

Several times admittedly causing a severe injury Tim: No hard feelings eh? Newspaper Comics. In one Dilbert strip, the Pointy-Haired Boss signed the team up for a paintball course as a "team building exercise", but instead of them going out to a paintballing field, he interpreted it as hunting them in the office with a paintball gun, without them being aware of it. Obviously, they didn't have on any protective gear, and in the confines of office spaces it would've been difficult to avoid "point blank" shots, both of which are major no-nos.

Video Games. In the webcomic Life of Riley the BOBs are able to gain an early lead over the forces of darkness in their "Paintbrawl" specifically because the bad guys don't understand the rules. PvP did a paintball arc in early that was very careful about getting the details right, with proper masks and realistic paintball guns and terminology and rules.

The one exception was Francis using a HALO helmet instead of a regular paintball mask, though in this case the marshals at least discussed it.

Up to the point where Brent got a dislocated nipple maybe Scott Kurtz was afraid the strips weren't zany enough. Then the cast snuck onto the course at night with no marshal and did all the things they weren't supposed to do, but at least then it was justified and they even pointed it out later. That sequence features a cameo from "Doc", who runs a paintball shop in Alaska and draws The Whiteboard , a paintball-themed Web Comic , as well as a human version of the owner of the paintball field from that comic, "Red".

This may have contributed to the accuracy. Also, Kurtz's commentary during the arc indicates he'd planned to go through the arc with the usual trappings including the blind cast member Reggie participating until readers more familiar with the sport called him out on it.

As mentioned above, The Whiteboard totally averts this, as the author makes markers for the game. Not to mention Doc can get a little annoyed by people disregarding the rules. Mandatory equipment for his referees include duct tape and mallets, and tazers for refs of smaller stature. An arc ending shortly before Christmas featured a field that tends to bend or even disregard all the rules, including mask regulations, chronographing note checking paintball speed, with feet per second being a common upper limit , and wiping off paint spots from hits.

Sluggy Freelance 's "Sistine Shrapnel" arc, complete with Torg being a wuss about getting hit and Riff illegally modifying his marker. Western Animation.

King of the Hill had a particularly egregious episode where a teenage bully torments Bobby on the paintball field and Hank and his buddies end up sucked into a paintball match with him. To them, were a bunch of guys in camo running around the woods playing Rambo. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

I could just see it now In reality, ours is one of the safest sports on the planet and doesn't promote violence. It is very exciting and fast paced though, so that could be a problem for commercial breaks! We can only hope one day we'll reach mainstream TV time and people will see our great sport for what it is. Hey, if nothing else, we could always take the time slots afforded soccer! It is on TV , fox sports channel has a weekly show on paintball and tourneys.

Its called splatterfactor. It is booring to watch. Slap the heck out of me if you like, but it is true. Every time I go into a paintball store they are playing some Sup'Air video. The whole time I'm in the store the camera is fixed on the same back player pouring two cases of paint into the same bunker. Paintballs move two quickly for television heck we can hardly fallow golf balls.

There is no way for a camera to follow a front player around without getting in the way. The arenas need to be built for television. They need to have cameras mounted on bunkers throughout, and at least two cranes to follow the action up front.

It also needs good editing for instant replays and slow motion tags. It also needs more legitimate regional teams. At present it is a mercenary sport like motocross. All the marketing potential of pro sports comes from having regional teams with a regional fan base. Then people can start buying Jerseys and players can get Marker contracts. Until some of that stuff happens, it will just be these guys you don't know vs. And if the camera work remains the same, the few in players that do watch will just stare and wonder what the heck is going on.

Originally posted by TransMan dre is exactly right the media is too liberal and think thats any sport that involves guns is horrible it doesnt matter what the rating would be because whatever there were it would be higher than bowling which i saw on ESPN this weekend so thats not a factor its all about the media and politics unless you could find a completly independent station that is willing to broadcast paintball you wont find a whole lot of it on TV anytime soon and FOX is one of the less liberal stations ABC controled Disney is ultra liberal if anyone hasnt noticed yet feel free to flame on any of my ideas :D Thanks man.

Yes, the media sucks. Yeah, Patron, most of that is very true. The action sequences in "Push" were very well done, but then again, that's a movie production where they have time to edit and alter.

TV, even taped, would present a much bigger challenge. I don't think it's impossible or anything, but some skill would have to be involved. I agree, speedball can be boring as hell Never say paintball is boring! And it wasn't just once, it was on like five freakin times.

Now that is boring! Each player wears a lipstick cam on their mask somewhere so people could see what the player sees. Then the boom cams can get up top and from bird's eye views of people in different bunkers. The refs could wear lipstick cams to get angles from the middle of the field and not be targeted. Then have some stationary cams setup from different angles on bunkers. They'd have to be enclosed in case being hit.. A big reason paintball is not tv friendly is spectators don't know what to watch.

There is no central ball like hockey, basketball, football where the crowd can follow. Hopefully x-ball will change this. There is no reason Paintball can't show very well on TV. BUT - it would take someone willing to invest the money is properly taping, editing, and presenting the material.

There needs to be background on the players, file footage of the major stars, slowmo replay of important moves, and during the game commentary by people who know the game,a dn know sports media. Very hard to get all of that together. Even harder when media execs are liberal and don't want to admit paintball might make a good show.

I think you'd find that most sports TV nuts would be willing to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon to watch some really well-done play.

Whether they enjoy the sport or not. Think about figure skating. Me, I would MUCH rather watch pro skaters do a program designed to entertain than a bunch of compulsory crap designed for the judges. But there are commentators who describe the moves, talk about the various skaters strengths and weaknesses - and comment on the performance that makes it understandable by almost anyone. We need THAT for paintball! Something to chew on. Still some ideas. I have been in the business for almost 20 years, and have worked for ESPN, Fox and a lot of local sports networks.

If the network can make money off of it, which means up front and by selling advertising, they will show it. If I want to put a show on ESPN I have to pay them for the air time and convince them that they can sell the available air time I leave them in the show. I get to add 4 to 6 minutes of commercials and they get the rest of the time. It they can't sell it, they won't buy it. And the production has to be up to their standards. No offense, but TraumaHead wouldn't cut it.

Neither would my productions right now. We are both small time. I hope to eventually get a show on TV. Maybe a single tournament, but it would have to be a big one. It takes money though. And that doesn't include editing.

Another big problem is the way tournaments are held.

This is going to be big! Ashley M From Tripadvisor. Firecracker55 From Tripadvisor. Patty D From Tripadvisor. Lorieann From Tripadvisor.

Megan Thomsen From Tripadvisor. Carla S From Tripadvisor. Trudy M From Tripadvisor. Jojo From Tripadvisor. Living The Dream From Tripadvisor. Ediazgtz From Tripadvisor. Should I Cancel my Trip to Mexico? Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter and receive special offers and exclusive Resort news.

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Think of it as one big celebration of motherhood! Did you know? The tradition made it to Mexico in when journalist Rafael Alducin kicked off a nationwide movement to pay tribute to Mexican mothers. Why May 10? The month of May in Mexico is also devoted to one of the most famous mothers in history: the Virgin Mary.

Dia de las Madres is a time to shower mothers with gifts, of course. Flowers are particularly popular — the more colorful, the better! In Mexico, Miranda said, the streets are jammed with traffic. Many businesses close down with only certain restaurants remaining open. Mariachi music and singing fill the city. The other is Dec. The celebration starts first thing in the morning, sometimes with music.

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If your charges were originally handled in Superior Court you can file a motion to restrict your charges under the original case number, with the judge that originally heard your case. A motion is a written request to the court to take an action. In this case, you are requesting that the court order restriction of charge s for a particular arrest.

Although not required, you can hire an attorney to file a motion to restrict your felony record. If you would like to proceed on your own or cannot afford an attorney, you can file a pro se motion. Under the new record restriction law, effective July 1, , many eligible charges will be restricted from your record as soon as the prosecutor or the clerk of court enters the eligible disposition onto your GCIC criminal history record.

In certain circumstances, however, the law requires that you file an action in superior court to restrict records. If your charges were originally handled in Superior Court you can simply file a motion under the original case number for the judge to consider your request, but if the charges were originally handled in a court other than Superior Court, you must file a civil petition in the Superior Court in the county in which your case was handled.

Filing a civil petition opens a case in Superior Court so a judge can consider your petition to restrict the record. A petition is a written request to the court to take an action. Although not required, you can hire an attorney to file a petition to restrict your misdemeanor record. If you would like to proceed on your own or cannot afford an attorney, you can file a pro se petition.

Remember Me. Username or Email. Expungements What is record restriction or expungement? Does restriction happen automatically? Can an arrest on my criminal history be restricted? Georgia law only allows restriction expungement in the following three 3 situations: 1.

Non-Conviction Exceptions: Restriction is not available if after indictment: A. A charge was dismissed because: You pled guilty to another charge in the case; You were involved in a pattern of criminal activity prosecuted in another jurisdiction The prosecution could not use important evidence against you evidence was suppressed You had some form of immunity. Charged With a Felony, but Convicted of an Unrelated Misdemeanor You may be able to have a felony charge restricted if it was closed without conviction, and you were only convicted of an unrelated misdemeanor offense in that case.

Can I have my whole criminal history restricted? If I was convicted a long time ago, can I get my record restricted? If I never had to go to court or the final disposition cannot be found, can I have the record restricted?

Can my record be restricted if I pled guilty under the Conditional Discharge Act? Can I have a record restricted if I completed a drug court or mental health court program? Can I get a record restricted if I did an Alford Plea? Can I get a record restricted if I pled nolo contendere no contest? Can I get a record restricted if the case was placed on the dead docket?

Can I get a record restriction if some of the charges in the case qualify for restriction? If I have been denied restriction in the past, can I reapply? Do I need an attorney to apply for restriction? No, you can get a record restricted on your own, without an attorney. How do I get my record restricted?

What if I was arrested before the effective date of the new law but my case was resolved after July 1, ? If my case was restricted, do I have to report it to an employer?

How to Restrict Expunge Records of a Case that was Dismissed or Otherwise Closed without Conviction and Seal the Court Records When a charge is dismissed or otherwise closed without conviction, you may qualify for restriction expungement. NOTE: You do not qualify for restriction if your charge was indicted but later closed without conviction because: You pled guilty to another charge in the case; You were involved in a pattern of criminal activity prosecuted in another jurisdiction; The prosecution could not use important evidence against you evidence was suppressed ; You were acquitted, but there was evidence of jury tampering or judicial misconduct.

The process can take up to days and is as follows: Contact the arresting law enforcement agency for the requirements to restrict a record. Submit the application and any other required documentation. A copy of the Application is included with these instructions. Within ninety 90 days of receipt from the arresting agency, the prosecuting attorney must decide whether the record will be restricted expunged — based on the criteria in the law — and return the application to the arresting agency.

If approved, the arresting agency must restrict the information within thirty 30 days and return the application to you at the address you provided on the application. If the application is denied, you have thirty 30 days to appeal by civil action in superior court. The process to seal the records of the court is as follows: Get a certified copy of the final disposition in your case from the clerk of court where your case was handled.

Prepare the motion. A sample motion is included in these instructions. Sign and date the motion. For information about your particular case, you should try to talk to a lawyer.

If you meet certain criteria, the State of West Virginia allows dismissed charges and specific convictions to be removed from your record after a certain amount of time has passed and a judge approves it.

The law on expungement is complicated. Each situation is different. And there are different expungement laws, and the requirements for each law are different. Criminal Charges : You may be eligible for expungement of criminal charges if:. You must wait 60 days from the date of dismissal to file.

Criminal Convictions : You may be eligible for expungement of your conviction if it involves a misdemeanor, multiple misdemeanors, a nonviolent felony, or a series of connected nonviolent felonies.

Certain types of convictions are not eligible for expungement. And you are not eligible for expungement if you have pending charges. Even if you may be eligible, there are other things to consider before filing for expungement. You should carefully read all of the information listed here to determine whether you are eligible. You should try to talk to a lawyer. Only certain state convictions are eligible for expungement.

Federal convictions are not eligible. Specific crimes misdemeanors and felonies that are excluded from expungement or do not qualify for expungement include but are not limited to:. As you can see, figuring out whether your conviction qualifies, may be complicated. If your conviction does not qualify, then the only way you can seek to remove the conviction from your record is to receive a full and unconditional pardon from the governor.

Records cannot be expunged, even with a pardon, for first degree murder, treason, kidnapping, or sexual offenses. Criminal Charges : If you have only been charged with a crime but not convicted, you must wait 60 days before filing. Criminal Convictions: If you have been convicted of a crime, the time period you must wait depends begins when you have finished serving a jail or prison sentence, and any term of probation or parole, whichever is later in time. The approved programs can be found on the West Virginia Supreme Court website.

If you have a medically documented history of substance abuse, you can shorten your wait time by completing an approved substance abuse treatment or a recovery and counseling program.

You can also shorten your waiting period if you complete an approved Job Readiness Adult Training Program. Criminal Charges : As mentioned earlier, you are eligible if you do not have a previous felony conviction; and.

Criminal Convictions : There are two key steps you need to take to figure out whether you are eligible for expungement of your convictions:.

In West Virginia, most of this information is not available online. You will need to know:. If you have just one charge or conviction, or if all your charges or convictions are from one county in West Virginia, you can request a copy of your court paperwork directly from the Circuit Clerk felonies or Magistrate Clerk misdemeanors in the county where you were charged or convicted. This is a list of all court locations in West Virginia.

Deferred adjudication leading to expungement is available to persons charged with all but serious violent and sexual offenses, with no more than one prior conviction for a felony or serious misdemeanor that resulted in confinement. Diversion is available for those charged with misdemeanor or low-level felony offenses if a person has no prior felony or Class A misdemeanor conviction and no prior diversions.

The court must destroy public records in cases of acquittal or where charges have been dismissed; the court may also redact conviction records to expunge dismissed charges from electronic databases.

Juvenile victims of human trafficking may petition to expunge prostitution convictions related to the trafficking. Persons with federal or out-of-state convictions are eligible. The court makes findings after a hearing about character, need for relief including for employment or licensing and public safety.

Sealing is discretionary after a waiting period of up to 5 years for first-offense DUI offenses. An order of nondisclosure prohibits criminal justice agencies from disclosing criminal history record information to the public, and such information is exempted from disclosure under the Public Information Act. Victims of human trafficking may apply for set-aside and sealing for marijuana offenses, theft offenses, prostitution, or Class A misdemeanor solicitation, if they were placed on community supervision.

Expunction is also available for pardoned offenses, and for class C misdemeanors that have been deferred. Sealing for juvenile adjudications is automatic at age 19 for misdemeanors and non-conviction records, as long as the person does not have a conviction or pending charges; sealing is discretionary upon petition at age 18 or two years after discharge for felonies and other adjudications ineligible for automatic sealing.

A person convicted of one felony and varying numbers of misdemeanors, each contained in a separate criminal episode, is eligible to apply to expunge all but serious and violent offenses after a waiting period ranging from 3 to 10 years after completion of sentence, including payment of fines and restitution.

Expungement entitles a person to deny that the arrest or conviction occurred; public employers and licensing boards may not ask about or consider expunged convictions. Non-conviction records are eligible for expungement by petition after 30 days if no charges are filed, the charges are dismissed and the limitations period has expired on all charges, or the person is acquitted.

Juvenile records may be expunged following a one-year waiting period after age 18, and the person has no violent convictions within five years or pending charges. In the event of an intervening conviction, the waiting period is extended to 10 years, with no felony conviction within 7 years and no misdemeanor within 5 years. Qualifying crimes are nonviolent non-sexual misdemeanors and several minor felonies including drug possession.

In all cases, restitution must be paid in full. Convictions for offenses committed under age 21 may be sealed two years after discharge if the person is deemed rehabilitated. Deferred sentencing results in expungement upon successful completion. Expungement is also available after two years under a diversion program available to those with up to two misdemeanors, and a youthful offender program for those convicted of certain minor offenses.

The court must expunge or seal all non-conviction records after a short waiting period unless the government objects. Juvenile records are generally unavailable to the public and may be sealed two years after discharge, if restitution has been paid, the person has no subsequent convictions or pending proceedings, and rehabilitation has been attained.

Persons with out-of-state and federal convictions are eligible. UCCCA also requires that people be informed about expungement and sealing at sentencing, and recognizes relief granted in other states. Virgin Islands. Expungement is authorized in misdemeanor cases; the government has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that expungement should not be granted.

Deferred adjudication is available for people with nonviolent first offenses and first-time drug possession offenses, with expungement after completion of probation. Expungement is also authorized for any youthful offense after a 5-year waiting period if under age 21 at the time of the offense. Expungement of non-conviction records is mandatory after the limitation period for charges dismissed or not prosecuted.

Expunged records may be disclosed only upon court order, and only to courts in a criminal case or for government employment. Juvenile records may be sealed on motion two years after discharge if the person has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, and no proceeding is pending seeking conviction or adjudication. A law enacted in authorizes automatic sealing for some misdemeanor convictions and non-convictions, a llows for sealing of felony acquittals and dismissals at disposition, and for sealing a broad range of misdemeanor and low-level felony convictions and deferred dismissals through a petition-based court process.

Until that law becomes effective in , there is no statutory authority to seal or expunge convictions, except that an absolute pardon for innocence or judicial writ of innocence permits expungement. Deferred dispositions are available, but expungement is not an option. After expungement, a person may deny any record and employers may not inquire about it. Juvenile records are generally unavailable to the public and are automatically destroyed after the person turns 19, and five years have passed since the last hearing, subject to a few exceptions.

For felonies there is a 5 to 10 year waiting period, and for misdemeanors a 3 to 5 year waiting period, during which there may be no new convictions. Certain misdemeanors involving violence or sexual assault are ineligible, but a single domestic violence conviction may be vacated after five years. Financial penalties need not be satisfied for felonies if five years have elapsed after supervision, but anomalously this requirement remains for misdemeanors. Pardon automatically vacates conviction.

Vacatur results in limiting public access to state repository records, but there is no statutory authority to seal or limit access to court records. A court rule permits limiting access to vacated court records but only in compelling circumstances. Non-conviction records must be deleted from agency records after a two-year waiting period if disposition is indicated, and after three years if no disposition is indicated, except that deletion is discretionary in diversion cases, if the person has an additional criminal record, or if subsequent charges are pending.

Records in cases where sentencing deferred may also be sealed. Juvenile adjudication records are automatically sealed except serious violence, sex, and drug offenses upon satisfaction of terms and conditions of disposition, unless the court finds compelling reasons not to seal after a hearing; juvenile adjudications ineligible for automatic sealing may be sealed after a crime-free 2-to-5 year waiting period. Judicial certificates : Judicial Certificates of Restoration of Opportunity CROP are available for all but the most serious crimes, after a waiting period ranging from 1 to 5 years after sentencing or release from confinement.

CROPs prohibit licensing agencies from disqualifying individuals solely based on their conviction record. While employers and housing providers are not required to consider them, CROPs offer some protection against liability.

West Virginia. Some misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies are eligible for expungement after a 1 to 5 year waiting period. A person may apply for more than one misdemeanor but only for a single felony including offenses arising from the same transaction or series of transactions. A hearing is required: applicants must obtain and serve documents on multiple parties, and must show by clear and convincing evidence that expungement is consistent with the general welfare and that they are rehabilitated.

Victims of human trafficking convicted of prostitution may petition for vacatur and expungement. Pardoned convictions are eligible for expungement after a one-year waiting period, five years after completion of sentence. There is broad statutory authority for deferred adjudication leading to expungement. Records of acquittals and dismissals may be expunged on petition, except where the defendant has a prior felony conviction.

Juvenile records are automatically sealed one year after discharge, or when the person turns 19, unless the case was transferred to adult court. There is no statutory authority to seal or expunge convictions, except in two specialized scenarios. A youthful conviction under 25 at time of offense for a misdemeanor or a minor non-violent first-time felony may be expunged upon successful completion of the sentence, but only if the court orders this relief at the time of sentencing.

Victims of human trafficking may petition to have prostitution convictions vacated and expunged. Deferred prosecution is available in domestic violence and some sex offense cases; upon successful completion of deferral, the charges are dismissed and no conviction results.

Non-conviction records criminal justice, but not court records may also be expunged, including records in which prosecution was deferred, under a statute providing for the return of fingerprint records when an arrested person is released without charges or cleared of the offense.

Upon petition, juvenile records may be expunged once the person turns 17 and the sentence is completed, if the court after a hearing finds a benefit to the individual and no harm to society. A single felony conviction may be expunged ten years after the sentence expires if the applicant has no other felony convictions and paid any restitution.

This relief is not available for felony firearm offenses, for many sexual offenses, and for crimes involving violence, child endangerment, bribery, perjury, DUI, drug distribution. A handful of misdemeanors simple assault, domestic violence, reckless endangerment and breach of peace may also be expunged after five years if the offense did not involve use of a firearm.

A hearing is required under either authority only if there is an objection. Expungement relief is available only once for misdemeanors. Deferred sentencing is authorized on a one-time basis for misdemeanors and first felony offenses, excluding certain serious crimes; no conviction results but expungement is unavailable. Non-conviction records excluding deferred sentences may be expunged days after dismissal of proceedings if no other charges are pending. Victims of human trafficking may have prostitution convictions vacated, after which they presumably may be expunged as non-convictions.

Juvenile records and certain municipal and circuit court cases, and non-conviction records of minors charged as adults may be expunged and destroyed upon petition after reaching age 18, if the person has no subsequent felony convictions and rehabilitation is attained to the satisfaction of the court or prosecutor. Deferred sentencing is authorized on a one-time basis for misdemeanors and first felony offenses, excluding certain serious crimes, and no conviction results.

Non-conviction records may be expunged days after dismissal of proceedings if no other charges are pending. Authority for expunging, sealing, or setting aside convictions 2. Automatic record clearing 3.

Process for expunging or sealing adult non-conviction records 4. Judicial certificates of relief 5. State-by-state information. Misdemeanor relief 4, D. Idaho no sealing. Certain minor misdemeanors 2. Certain marijuana-related records 4. Crimes of moral turpitude for disenfranchisement purposes are also excluded.

See Ex parte Eason, So. Expungement for victims of human trafficking convicted of misdemeanors, and of felonies including some designated as violent prostitution, domestic violence, child pornography.

Records of most delinquency adjudications sealed after final discharge or court order if no pending criminal proceedings. May petition to have records destroyed five years after age of majority.

Courts may on petition expunge non-conviction records of felony and misdemeanor charges, including cases where charges dismissed after completion of court-approved diversionary program. In , authority expanded to cover violent felonies. Records remain available to government regulatory or licensing agencies, utilities, banks and financial institutions.

State record repository must remove arrest record from rap sheet after 30 days if not charged or if cleared of the offense. Court may suspend imposition of sentence and set aside conviction after successful completion of probation for certain offenses. Alaska Stat. May not be used as predicate, but limited use for enhancement of sentence. Records of juvenile adjudications are generally confidential and unavailable to the public, and most may be sealed by court at age 18 or release of jurisdiction if later.

Records of juveniles charged as adults may be sealed five years after completion of sentence If charged as adult, most juvenile records sealed five years after completed sentence or after records made public. Non-conviction records generally unavailable to the public. Sealing of non-conviction records only in case of mistaken identity or false accusation. Courts may not publish online records of cases resulting in acquittal or dismissal.

Effective December 31, , misdemeanors and all but violent and sexual felonies may be sealed after a waiting period ranging from two to ten years after completion of sentence and payment of court debt. Set-aside is also available upon discharge for all but violent and sex offenses. Relieves collateral consequences, but does not seal record and conviction must be disclosed. Serves as predicate. In , Arizona authorized courts to issue a Certificate to Second Chance to a person whose conviction has been set-aside.

Courts are authorized to establish drug court programs, where people may be offered diversion. See Ariz. If a person admitted to the program fails to comply with the terms of participation, they may be found guilty and the judgment deferred by the court.

If the person succeeds, the charges are dismissed. No sealing is authorized. Prostitution convictions of victims of human trafficking may be vacated, do not serve as prior, and need not be reported unless fingerprint background check authorized.

No hearing unless prosecutor objects. If 18 years or older, may apply to set aside juvenile adjudication upon discharge from probation or absolute discharge for certain offenses. Predicate effect. Effective December 31, , non-conviction records may be sealed, Ariz.

Until then, the only authority is in cases where someone has been wrongfully arrested or charged. Minor felonies and drug convictions eligible for sealing after 5 yrs. Misdemeanors eligible immediately after completion of sentence.

Serious violent and sexual offenses ineligible. Sealed conviction "shall be deemed as a matter of law never to have occurred, and the person may state that the underlying conduct did not occur and that a record of the person that was sealed does not exist. Ark Code Ann.

Deferred adjudication for first-time offenders may lead to sealing serious violent felonies and certain sex offenses ineligible. Code Ann. Pre-adjudication probation program established by court. Both court and prosecutor must agree on admission. Sealing of prostitution convictions for victims of human trafficking. Sealing is mandatory so long as the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the conviction was the result of being a victim of human trafficking.

If ineligible for sealing may seek pardon, which results in automatic sealing for all but a few serious offenses. For most offenses, may apply to set aside adjudications upon majority if discharged from probation or absolute discharge and no subsequent conviction or pending charge. Set-aside relieves penalties and disabilities, with exceptions for those imposed by Dept. Courts may issue certificates of rehabilitation for state law offenses, which affect consideration for employment, operate as first step in pardon process.

See Cal. Dismissal of charges or set-aside for probationers, misdemeanants, and minor felony offenders sentenced to county jail. Rights restored and use limited in certain contexts, but does not seal or limit public access.

May be used as predicate offense and disclosed in certain contexts. Effective January 1, , a new automatic process will take effect for eligible convictions occurring after that date, with limits on dissemination by courts a repositories. Misdemeanors if committed under age 18 may be sealed if otherwise eligible. Deferred sentencing for felony convictions, treated as misdemeanors following successful completion of probation.

No sealing except for certain under-age misdemeanants. Successful completion results in dismissal of charges and sealing. Mandatory sealing for records of decriminalized marijuana offenses. Relief made systematic in Automatic purging of possession offenses after two years. Victims of human trafficking may have any non-violent convictions directly related to trafficking including but not limited to prostitution vacated and records sealed and expunged destroyed after three years.

Juvenile records generally confidential, with exceptions for serious offenses. Cal Rules of Court, Rule 5. Most adjudications may be sealed, subject to the court's discretion, either 5 years after termination of jurisdiction or immediately upon reaching age Additional eligibility requirements for certain serious offenses.

Records are confidential and destroyed after 5 years. Juvenile victims of human trafficking may have any non-violent convictions directly related to trafficking vacated and records sealed, and expunged after three years. Mandatory sealing of eligible non-conviction records upon petition. Pre-trial diversion records sealed after 2 years.

Effective January 1, , a new automatic process will take effect for eligible non-convictions occurring after that date. Sentencing courts may relieve any collateral consequence "order of collateral relief". Limits use in employment and licensing. Uncharged arrests and non-conviction records also added see far column.

May deny conviction in most situations, but records remain available to law enforcement and entities required to conduct background checks. Felony drug offenses may be knocked down to misdemeanor. Deferred adjudication, sentencing, and diversion may lead to sealing. Complex civil sealing procedure replaced in and with less formal process available from criminal court. Petty offenses and municipal violations except for traffic offenses.

May deny conviction in most situations. Expungement available for all but serious violent offenses. Court must advise at time of sentencing. The person and court may indicate that no record exists. Courts must seal upon request at time of disposition, or later on petition, a criminal record in cases that were resolved through diversion, completely dismissed, or resulted in acquittal cases that were not charged may only be resolved on petition.

Expedited process for sealing non-conviction records, including where charges dismissed pursuant to diversion or deferred sentencing see col. May deny record in most cases.

Arrests resulting from mistaken identity may be expunged if no charges were filed. See entry for pardoned convictions, which are routinely available in CT and result in "erasure" of record. Erasure prohibits disclosure by government, bars reliance in any subsequent criminal proceeding, and permits the person to swear under oath that the crime never occurred. Erased records destroyed after three years. Employers may not ask about or discriminate based on erased record. Six programs for deferred adjudication may result in "erasure" of record.

May deny conviction; predicate unless records destroyed. See first column for effect of erasure. Erasure available for those convicted as "youthful offenders" upon reaching age 21 if no subsequent felony conviction. Erasure for decriminalized conduct Conn.

Vacation of prostitution conviction on basis of being a victim of trafficking in persons; may lead to erasure as non-conviction record. Pardoned conviction automatically "erased" after 3 years, records physically destroyed; may deny conviction. Pardons routinely available from Board of Pardons and Parole.

Juvenile offender at least 17 years of age may petition for erasure of police and court records after years, depending on seriousness of offense. Must have no subsequent convictions or pending charges. Erasure of criminal records where charges have been dismissed or nolled, or where person has been acquitted; may deny arrest under oath. In addition, in no case may "records of arrest, which are not followed by a conviction Partial sealing only where some charges nol prossed. Until December 30, , there was no authority to expunge or seal adult convictions.

Effective on that date, some misdemeanors and violations became eligible for mandatory expungement and other convictions - including a single minor felony - are subject to discretionary expungement. Code tit. The State Bureau of Identification may not destroy information identifying a person until a person reaches age eighty, or reaches age seventy-five with no criminal activity listed on the person's record in the past forty years.

Effective December 30, , expungement mandatory in probation before judgment cases where charges dismissed. See Del. Also for first offender controlled substances diversion program, tit. See also Del. A person convicted or adjudicated of any non-violent crime as a direct result of being a victim of human trafficking may file an application for a pardon and expungement; or, the person may file a petition in the court of conviction, and seek expungement under Del.

Del Code. Post December 30, , all pardoned offenses will be eligible for expungement. Mandatory expungement where case results in termination of case in favor of the accused, including in probation before judgement cases. An application to the State Bureau of Identification is required to obtain relief. Sealing available only for selected less serious misdemeanors, plus felony failure to appear. See column to right. Sealing for selected less serious misdemeanors and one felony failure to appear after waiting period that depends upon prior record.

Records in deferred sentencing cases may be sealed unless the defendant has prior "disqualifying" arrest or conviction. Sealing for cases of actual innocence, see D. Upon majority, sealing after a two-year waiting period with no subsequent convictions. Court authorized to seal eligible non-conviction records eligibility the same as for convictions after waiting period ranging from 2 to 10 years, depending upon prior record; records in deferred sentencing cases may not be sealed at all if prior "disqualifying" arrest or conviction.

Adjudication may be withheld and defendant placed on probation for misdemeanors, and for less serious felonies if requested by prosecutor or if court makes findings of mitigating circumstances; no conviction results and sealing for certain first offenders no prior record ; expungement destroyed after 10 years.

Rule 3. Sealing for victims of human trafficking for offenses which offense was committed or reported to have been committed "as a part of the human trafficking scheme of which the person was a victim or at the direction of an operator of the scheme," including, but not limited to prostitution.

Records of juvenile adjudications are generally confidential except for serious offenses. See Fla. Expungement for nonjudicial record of minor's arrest non-violent, first offense upon successful completion of diversion program. Expungement defined as destruction of record. Other records may be destroyed by the court after age Court has discretion to order sealing or expungement of non-conviction records of first offenders, with certain exceptions. Expungement results in destruction of record; sealing permits limited law enforcement, employment, licensing access.

Per law, most non-violent misdemeanors eligible for sealing, and pardoned felonies also eligible. Discharge without adjudication after completion of probation under the First Offender Act "completely exonerate[s]" the defendant and has no effect on "civil rights or liberties.

There is a separate process to remove peace order and protective order records from public view. Learn more about r emoving records about Peace and Protective orders from public view. This site offers legal information, not legal advice. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information and to clearly explain your options.

However we do not provide legal advice - the application of the law to your individual circumstances. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney. In the absence of file-specific attribution or copyright, the Maryland Thurgood Marshall State Law Library may hold the copyright to parts of this website. Related Articles. External Resources. What is expungement? Code, Criminal Procedure, Title 10, Subtitle 1 Court Forms: This Petition for Expungement of Records should be used for the expungement of acquittal, dismissal, probation before judgment, nolle pros, stet, and certain not criminally responsible dispositions This Petition for Expungement of Records should be used for the expungement of eligible guilty dispositions General Waiver and Release Automatic Expungement Any records held by the police, court, or other state agency related to a charge may qualify for automatic expungement.

Automatic expungement applies to: criminal charges civil offenses for possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana serious traffic violations requiring court appearance Automatic expungements are still subject to the Unit rule. What is included in my criminal record? Your record will show the arrest or citation even if: Your case was dismissed; or You were acquitted found not guilty ; or Probation Before Judgment was entered; or A Nolle Prosequi was entered in your case This occurs when the prosecutor decides to drop the case either before or during trial.

If you were found guilty or paid a fine after being arrested, that will appear on your records as a conviction. You can get a copy of your criminal record from the Criminal Justice Information System.

Having criminal charges on your record can hinder: employment, applications to schools and colleges, relationships, housing, and other government services.

Which records can be expunged? Which cannot? Yes, there are certain cases where you generally cannot get records expunged. However, if the new conviction was for a minor traffic violation or for an action that is now no longer a crime, the new conviction will not prevent you from getting the PBJ expunged. You cannot file for expungement of any records if you currently have criminal proceedings pending against you. If you are convicted of a crime during the waiting period, you are not eligible for expungement unless the subsequent conviction becomes eligible for expungement.

The Unit Rule If you were charged with more than one offense based on the same incident, transaction, or set of facts, you can only have records from that case expunged if ALL of the charges from that incident are eligible for expungement. How long do I have to wait to file a petition for expungement? Generally, you must wait 3 years after your case was decided before you can file for expungement, but the rules vary based on the results of your case: If you were acquitted, received a nolle prosequi, or a dismissal of the charges, you may file earlier if you also file a general release and waiver of any and all people against whom you may have a legal claim as a result of your arrest.

If you received a probation before judgment, you may not file for expungement until your probationary period is over or until 3 years have passed, whichever is longer. If your case was placed on the stet docket, you may not file earlier than 3 years after the judgment. If you were pardoned by the governor, you must wait at least 5 years but not more than 10 years after your pardon.

To file for an expungement based on a finding of Not Criminally Responsible, you must wait until 3 years have passed since the finding.

Eastern Cape vs Mpumalanga Rhinos Division 2. Victoria vs New South Wales 6th Match. Zimbabwe Women v Bangladesh Women, Pakistan Women v West Indies women, India won by 6 wkts. Sri Lanka Innings 50 Ov. Upul Tharanga. Tillakaratne Dilshan. Kumar Sangakkara. What a massive blow that is, Sangakkara was starting to look really good. And golden-arm Yuvraj does it again! DPMD Jayawardene. TT Samaraweera.

CK Kapugedera. KMDN Kulasekara. NLTC Perera. Fall of wickets: Upul Tharanga, 6. India Innings. V Sehwag. Looks like a goner on replay! Back of a length delivery on middle stump, Sehwag was rising on the toes on leg stump line as it skidded through.

He was on the hop as he closed the face and looked to flick. Misses the shot. Was there an inside edge? No evidence of that. Was that high? Not really - hit him under the roll. It's hitting middle. Three reds. Superb start for Sri Lanka! Sehwag top-scored for India in the final.

Fair to say, he won't be the top scorer today. SR Tendulkar. The new biopic, shaped around the World Cup win of , works best when it depicts one youngster following his calling. Ask a question. India Innings. Full Table. Betting Odds. Presented by. New Customers Only. Join Here. All rights reserved. Upul Tharanga. Tillakaratne Dilshan. Mahela Jayawardene. Thilan Samaraweera. Chamara Kapugedera. Nuwan Kulasekara. Thisara Perera.

Connections Featured in M. Dhoni: The Untold Story User reviews 1 Review. Top review. Worth watching. I created an account on IMDb to write a review for it FAQ 4. Who won Cricket World Cup? Who was Player of the tournament in Cricket World Cup?

Who was leading run scorer in Cricket World Cup? Details Edit. Release date February 17, Bangladesh. India Sri Lanka Bangladesh. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 1 hour 56 minutes. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content.

The first 48 hours are likely to be the worst. If you experience this, remember that your sleep patterns will almost certainly start to return to normal once your brain recovers its normal functions.

Withdrawal symptoms are caused by the way your brain reacts when you drink heavily. This is the way in which our brains respond to danger, preparing us to either fight or run away. When you drink alcohol, the fight or flight response in your brain is suppressed, making you feel relaxed.

And when you stop drinking, the alcohol gradually leaves your brain as your body processes it. Withdrawal symptoms — both the psychological ones e.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are most likely to be experienced by people drinking 8 or more units of alcohol , 5 or more nights a week. If you continue to drink excessively, regularly, despite experiencing withdrawal symptoms, you may find your symptoms get more and more severe.

This is why when consuming alcohol, people experience initial feelings of happiness, increased sociability, and relaxation. In a heavy, long-term drinker, the brain is almost continually exposed to the depressant effects of alcohol. This causes the person to develop a dependence on the substance. Once the body becomes dependent on alcohol, it requires more and more of the substance to produce the same effects. Alcohol withdrawal side effects vary from person to person.

Many people are hesitant to quit drinking because of the thought of experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms is scary. By reducing withdrawal symptoms, you will be able to focus on recovery and getting better. Learn more about treating alcoholism and support options by reaching out to a treatment provider today. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can occur as early as two hours after your last drink.

Typically, symptoms will peak within the first 24 to 48 hours upon cessation. This is when you may experience the most uncomfortable of withdrawal symptoms, such as insomnia, rapid heartbeat, changes in blood pressure, sweating, tremors, and fever. While some people experience very few withdrawal symptoms, others may suffer from more serious side effects. For example, delirium tremens is one of the most severe of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

It can surface within the first 48 hours after your last drink and involves confusion, severe shaking, hallucinations, and high blood pressure. Although delirium tremens is uncommon, it can be life-threatening. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal typically improve within five days, though a small number of people may have prolonged symptoms. The severity and duration of alcohol withdrawal symptoms are impacted by several factors, including frequency of drinking, amount consumed during drinking, length of time drinking, medical history, and co-occurring health conditions.

Take your life back by getting started in a treatment program today. Over the course of the first few days and weeks after someone stops drinking alcohol, he or she may experience acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome refers to the common withdrawal symptoms a heavy drinker experiences when they suddenly reduce the amount of alcohol they drink after prolonged periods of heavy use.

Because of the life-threatening health complications that can arise during acute alcohol withdrawal, it is recommended that you never attempt to quit on your own and that you instead stay at a hospital or a specialized rehab facility for treatment.

Medical professional can assess your mental and physical health frequently throughout the day to make sure symptoms do not escalate. After the initial alcohol withdrawal symptoms have subsided, some people may experience prolonged side effects. This phase is less common and is known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome PAWS.

PAWS involves withdrawal symptoms that occur after acute withdrawal and can make post-rehab life challenging for some individuals. Depending on the severity of your alcohol abuse , PAWS can last anywhere from a few weeks to a year. In general, PAWS symptoms peak around four to eight weeks after quitting. PAWS is one of the leading causes of relapse for individuals that have completed alcohol addiction treatment. DTs can also occur when a person who has a history of heavy alcohol use experiences a head injury, illness or infection.

Symptoms of delirium tremens usually begin two to four days after a person has stopped drinking, but there have been cases that the onset started a week or more after the last drink. Seizures may also occur with delirium tremens and can occur without other symptoms.

Individuals who have past issues with alcohol withdrawal are more likely to experience seizures. Usually, a generalized tonic-clonic seizure is typical with DTs. DTs is considered a medical emergency. A person requires medical attention if they are experiencing symptoms of delirium tremens or severe alcohol withdrawal. He was attempting to detox from alcohol at home, which resulted in a blood infection, kidney and liver problems, and finally, his heart stopped. Having access to a medically supervised detox program can help alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and may even save a life.

We can help you overcome addiction and get your life back. An individual who attempts to detox at home is at risk for a number of problems related to alcohol withdrawal. Every person is different and there is no way to tell how a person will experience withdrawal before it happens.

Detox programs typically use a number of prescription medications to decrease the severity and lessen the damage that alcohol withdrawal causes. When a person experiences severe withdrawal without medical assistance they run the risk of seizures, hallucinations and heart failure. The most serious symptoms of DT are seizures, hallucinations, and confusion. However, many other symptoms, including sensitivity to light, confusion, and nausea, may also be present.

More serious symptoms of AWS and DT can lead to physical trauma due to seizures, as well as metabolic issues. Low electrolyte levels can lead to cardiac complications during withdrawal, including arrhythmias and sudden death resulting from heart attack. Hypophosphatemia low levels of phosphate can lead to muscle weakness, coma, and the stoppage of normal breathing functions. Metabolic abnormalities can typically be corrected through an adequate intake of vitamins, fluids, and sugar.

Regular over-the-counter medications can help with more benign elements of AWS, such as headache and nausea. A condition known as alcoholic ketoacidosis , is similar to that experienced by some individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Alcoholic ketoacidosis is a potentially fatal condition, but it can be treated with proper medical attention.

As far as drugs are concerned, only benzodiazepines, such as diazepam Valium and lorazepam Ativan , have been proven to reduce the risk of the fatal complications cause by seizures and DT.

For those interested in stopping drinking, it is important to seek medical attention even if it is just a checkup , especially for people who drink heavily, when there has been long-term alcohol abuse, and for those who have previously experienced DT or seizures caused by alcohol abuse.

For severe alcohol addiction, medical intervention may be needed to oversee the potentially dangerous effects of AWS and DT. Can you die from alcohol withdrawal? Yes — that's why it's important to get help before you stop drinking.

As a result, we do not find the time or do not have the desire to make love as much as we might like to. Yet, the first thing to know when you are trying to have a baby is that regular sex with your partner is the best preparation of all. Regular lovemaking prepares the woman's body for childbearing, and raises the hormonal level associated with it.

Low fertility itself is directly associated with lowered feelings of sexuality. Your lifestyle and relationships all enhance the chances of conception. Regular lovemaking also creates more favorable conditions in the vagina. The presence of fertile-quality or egg-white cervical mucus fosters fertility by creating more favorable vaginal conditions that assist in protecting the sperm and extending the sperm life span, effectively extending the fertile window.

With a pattern of regular lovemaking achieved, the next thing to do is identify that handful of days directly prior to, and including the day of ovulation. Identifying this "window" will significantly boost your chances of conception. The above conception calculator can help with the process of tracking your personal biological cycle, and thereby assist you in determining your fertility window.

To use the calculator, note the first day of your last period. Then note the length of the cycle until your next period. Finally, input the numbers into the calculator and get an estimate of the best days for intercourse and conception. You can help the process along by keeping a basal body temperature chart.

Tracking your basal body temperature and your cervical mucus can help you get pregnant. The patterns you see month after month can help you predict ovulation, and once you know when you're likely to ovulate, you can have sex or plan insemination at the best time for conceiving. Your basal body temperature is the lowest body temperature in a hour period. Read more about ovulation cycle tracking Watch helpful videos on all things fertility, from how to track your cycle and the best time to have sex to conceive, to gaining knowledge about female fertility factors such as endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS.

Check out the Fertile Minds playlist here. From temperature tracking and ovulation kits to fertility apps, there are a large number of products that offer to track ovulation and pinpoint your most fertile days. The question remains though, which ones are actually useful? Women and couples who are trying to conceive are often looking for answers about what they should be eating during this time. Breadcrumb Home Planning for pregnancy How to get pregnant Ovulation calculator.

Watch our Female Fertility videos Fertile Minds YouTube Channel Watch helpful videos on all things fertility, from how to track your cycle and the best time to have sex to conceive, to gaining knowledge about female fertility factors such as endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS. Watch Now. Read the article. How useful are home ovulation kits and fertility apps? Blog article From temperature tracking and ovulation kits to fertility apps, there are a large number of products that offer to track ovulation and pinpoint your most fertile days.

Four dietary tips to consider when you're trying to conceive Blog article Women and couples who are trying to conceive are often looking for answers about what they should be eating during this time. Sex of course - at the right time! Your chance of getting pregnant is dramatically increased if you have sex on the day of ovulation, or two days before that.

When are you more likely to conceive? Ovulation Calculator What day did you your most recent period start? What is an ovulation calculator and how does it help you get pregnant? It can also estimate your due date if you do become pregnant during your next fertile days.

Others ways to help you work out when you're ovulating:. Facts about timing Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary.

A period is when you bleed or menstruate. Example Sarah tracked her last three menstrual cycles by counting the time from the first day of one period, to the day before the next period.

When you know your average menstrual cycle length, you can work out when you ovulate. Ovulation happens about 14 days before your period starts. If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14, and your most fertile days are days 12, 13 and If your average menstrual cycle is 35 days ovulation happens around day 21 and your most fertile days are days 19,20 and If you have shorter cycles, say 21 days, ovulation happens around day 7 and your most fertile days are days 5, 6 and 7.

FACT A woman can only get pregnant on a few days during her menstrual cycle. Because eggs and sperm only live for a short time: Sperm live for around five days. Eggs can only be fertilised for around 24 hours one day after being released from the ovary.

Getting the timing right If you're trying to get pregnant, timing is everything. What are the chances? Having sex as close as possible to the time of ovulation increases the chance of pregnancy. If she has sex five days before she ovulates, her probability of pregnancy is about 10 percent.

When does preconception health begin? How to know you are ovulating Kerry Hampton, a registered nurse and fertility specialist, discusses the importance of fertility awareness, and how to determine your fertile window to improve your chances of conceiving.

Identification and prediction of the fertile window using Natural Cycles. Self-identification of the clinical fertile window and the ovulation period. Fertility and Sterility, 5 , Optimizing natural fertility: a committee opinion. Fertility and Sterility, 1 ,

Claim your gambling losses up to the amount of winnings, as "Other Itemized Deductions. If you're a nonresident alien of the United States for income tax purposes and you have to file a tax return for U. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return. Refer to Publication , U. Tax Guide for Aliens and Publication , U. Tax Treaties for more information. You might get some of it back, or owe more. Taxes on winnings at games of skill like blackjack are not immediately withheld but you still are required to report the income and pay taxes on it.

Casinos are not required to withhold taxes or issue a W2-G to players who win large sums at certain table games, such as blackjack, craps, and roulette, all of which are categorized as games of skill rather than games of chance. It is not clear why the IRS has differentiated the requirements this way.

Slot machines are games of chance, while table games are seen as requiring a level of skill. In any case, when you cash in your chips from a table game, the casino cannot determine with certainty how much money you started with. This does not absolve you of the obligation to report what you won to the IRS. You simply do it yourself when you file your taxes for the year rather than at the casino when you claim your winnings. And make sure you kept good records of your gambling activities, losses as well as gains.

When you prepare your taxes for the year in which you won a gambling payout, you'll report the income and the taxes already paid on it under "Other Income" on Form The real amount you owe or will be reimbursed depends on your total income for the year. There are currently seven tax brackets. Yes, but there are certain thresholds that must be eclipsed to trigger a casino to report winnings. The threshold at which gambling winnings must be reported to the IRS varies based on the type of game.

If gambling is a person's actual profession, gambling proceeds are usually considered regular earned income and are taxed at a taxpayer's normal effective income tax rate. As a self-employed individual, the income and expenses must be recorded on Schedule C. A professional gambler can deduct gambling losses as job expenses using Schedule C not Schedule A.

The IRS requires nonresidents of the U. Nonresident aliens generally cannot deduct gambling losses. There is a tax treaty between the United States and Canada. It allows Canadian citizens to deduct their gambling losses, up to the amount of their gambling winnings. You are allowed to deduct any money you lose gambling from your winnings for tax purposes. No one likes to talk about how much money they lost gambling. But when it comes to your tax return, being honest can save you money.

Keep in mind, itemizing your deductions may not afford you the maximum tax benefit. IRS Publication lists alcohol and drug-related addiction-recovery programs as eligible for the medical expense deduction. A May U. Supreme Court ruling opened the door for states to legalize sports betting, but not all have done so. That said, any winnings you receive from betting on sports legally or illegally or from any illegal activity, for that matter are still taxable.

Estimate your self-employment tax and eliminate any surprises Get started. Know what dependents credits and deductions you can claim Get started.

Know what tax documents you'll need upfront Get started. Learn what education credits and deductions you qualify for and claim them on your tax return Get started. The above article is intended to provide generalized financial information designed to educate a broad segment of the public; it does not give personalized tax, investment, legal, or other business and professional advice.

Skip To Main Content. OVERVIEW For many of us, gambling means buying the occasional lottery ticket on the way home from work, but the Internal Revenue Service says that casual gambling also includes raffles, casino games, poker, sports betting—and, yes, even fantasy football.

You must report your winnings The first rule is that you must report all winnings, whether another entity reports them to the government or not. You must itemize your deductions to claim your gambling losses as a tax deduction. For example, you can deduct the costs of: Magazines, periodicals, and other data that relate to your gambling profession; A portion of your Internet costs, if you wager online; Meals and travel expenses if you attend tournaments.

All you need to know is yourself Just answer simple questions about your life, and TurboTax Free Edition will take care of the rest.