It was also the location of the first U. Fort Madison was one of three posts established by the U. Army to establish control over the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territories. The other two posts were Fort Belle Fontaine near St. Louis, which controlled the mouth of the Missouri, and Fort Osage, near what is now Kansas City, which controlled trade with western Native American tribes. A disputed treaty with the Sauk and affiliated tribes led to the U.
To establish control, the U. Army set out to construct a post near the mouth of the Des Moines River, a major trading route into the interior of Iowa. Noy finding suitable land near the mouth of the Des Moines, the expedition also considered land near Quashquame's, Sauk and Meskwaki village at the head of the Des Moines Rapids, a choke point of trade and transportation on the Upper Mississippi below modern Montrose, Iowa. Again, this land was not considered suitable for a fort.
The Army settled on a location several miles upstream at what is now the City of Fort Madison. First called Fort Bellevue, this post was soon deemed inadequate. It was poorly situated at the base of a bluff next to a deep ravine, areas from which enemies could safely fire at the fort.
Trade led to resentment among Indians, especially the Sauk; the treaty was considered invalid by the Sauk, the fort threatened established trading networks, and American trade goods were considered inferior to French or British goods. Black Hawk lamented over the new fort, and disparaged its construction in his autobiography: "A number of people immediately went down to see what was going on, myself among them.
On our arrival, we found they were building a fort. The soldiers were busily engaged in cutting timber, and I observed that they took their arms with them when they went into the woods. The whole party acted as they would do in an enemy's country. The chiefs held a council with the officers, or headmen of the party, which I did not attend, but understood from them that the war chief had said that they were building homes for a trader who was coming there to live and would sell us goods very cheap, and the soldiers were to remain to keep him company.
The team was an affiliate of the St. According to the United States Census Bureau , the city has a total area of The lowest point in the state of Iowa is feet m located at the confluence of the Des Moines River with the Mississippi just southwest of Keokuk.
Keokuk has a humid continental climate. As of the census of , there are 10, people, 4, households, and 2, families residing in the city. The racial makeup of the city is There are 4, households out of which The average household size is 2. Population spread: The median age is 40 years. For every females there are For every females age 18 and over, there are As of the census of , there are 11, people, 4, households, and 3, families residing in the city. The population density is 1, There are 5, housing units at an average density of The median age is 38 years.
Out of the total population, The Mississippi River lock and dam along with the hydroelectric power plant were built in They still use most of the original equipment. When the plant began operation in August , it was the largest single powerhouse electric generating plant in the world.
He was a man of extraordinary eloquence in council and never at a loss in an emergency. He was a noble looking man about six feet tall, portly and weighing over pounds. He had an eagle eye, dignified bearing, and a manly, intelligent expression of countenance.
This bridge which is 3, feet long and 64 feet wide eliminates the tie up of traffic from the former swing span bridge, allowing both automobile and barge traffic to move more efficiently.
For years the citizens of Keokuk, Iowa had been dreaming of creating a river museum which would serve as a perpetual reminder of the tremendous amount of river lore that is associated with this community. The George M. Verity is permanently berthed in Victory Park, which is on the Mississippi River just a few yards below Lock To passers-by on the river and to tourists traveling on the road, this makes a very interesting and historical stop.
A 1, feet long, feet wide lock with new guide walls was completed in It greatly facilitates river traffic, enhances the riverfront immeasurably and provides one of the greatest improvements on the entire Mississippi River.
It replaced a foot lock built with the dam in Prior to the construction of the dam across the Mississippi River, the first and largest of its kind when erected, Keokuk was the shipping headquarters of the river. Just above the city were a series of rapids and channels, and further water traffic involved heavy lightening charges and transshipment. Keokuk has always been a natural shipping point due to its excellent location.
The city is located on bluffs approximately feet high and has an average altitude of feet above sea level, Memphis datum. It rises in the northwestern part of the state and flows diagonally across the state to Keokuk. Its course has always been a natural highway. When Lt. He accounts for it on the hypothesis that when the French voyageurs visited St. The history of the early inhabitants of this vicinity was never recorded.
However, this section of the country was probably originally overrun by the Algonquin tribes. One of these tribes was called the Illinois, or Illini, and they were probably the first tribe to inhabit this region.
In the latter part of the 17th Century, the Illini were a powerful nation, consisting of five subordinate tribes, namely: The Kaskaskias, Peorias, Tamaroas, Michiganis and Cahokias. Besides their country east of the Mississippi, they occupied a large district between that river and the Des Moines, in what is now the southeastern part of Iowa. The Ottawa chief, Pontiac, who led the uprising against the white settlements and post in , was assassinated by some of the Illini in , whereupon the Sacs and Foxes, allies of Pontiac, declared war against the Illini and in time almost exterminated the tribe.
The Iowa Indians Sleepy Ones , from whom the state takes its name, were one of the southern Siouan tribes included by Dorsey with Otoes and Missouris in his Chiwere group. According to their traditions, they once formed part of the Winnebago nation, with which they lived north of the Great Lakes. In a member of the tribe prepared a map showing the movements of the Iowas from the time they settled on the Rock River.
The legend accompanying the map says that the tribe separated from the Sacs and Foxes and wandered off westward in search of a new home. Crossing the Mississippi River, they turned southward and reach a high bluff near the mouth of the Iowa River. The territory thus appropriated by the Iowas included the present county of Lee, though the tribe afterward established its headquarters in what is now Mahaska County, which bears the name of a noted Iowa chief.
The Iowa Indians have long since disappeared, but the name remains to designate one of the great states of the Mississippi Valley. The Sacs and Foxes, the principal Indians in Iowa history, are always spoken of as one people, though originally they were two separate and distinct tribes of the great Algonquin family.
About , the Sacs and Foxes crossed the Mississippi near Prairie du Chien and established themselves in Iowa about where the city of Dubuque now stands. The Sacs and Foxes were ruled over by one chief. At one time Black Hawk was their recognized leader, and at one time he was one of the greatest of American Indian chiefs born of Sac parents, was the leader of both tribes. Black Hawk elected to join them with the English in the War of , and his leadership passed on to Keokuk after its close.
Keokuk the watchful fox was born in His mother was allegedly a French half-breed. He arose to his position of leadership through sheer merit and diplomacy. He was a cunning master of intrigue. He converted most of the tribe to his views in the Black Hawk War and remained peaceful.
In a debate in Washington, D. In , after Columbus had discovered the New World, the Pope granted to the King and Queen of Spain, all territory inhabited by infidels, thus in a vague way included the present state of Iowa along with the rest of the New World.
In , the English government granted to the Plymouth Company all the lands between the 40th and 48th parallels of north latitude from sea to sea. In , the Massachusetts Bay Company received an English charter, which included a strip about miles wide through the central part of Iowa.
Thus Iowa and Keokuk were originally claimed by both the English and the Spanish. In May, , Marquette, Joliet and five boatmen in two large canoes moved up Lake Michigan and to the headwaters of the Fox River and crossed by portage to the Wisconsin River, and on June 17 first saw the Mississippi River opposite the present town of McGregor, Iowa.
On June 25, they landed near the present town of Toolesboro, the first known whites to set foot there. They entered the Indian village and smoked the pipe of peace near the present Iowa River. They passed on down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Arkansas River before returning to Canada. On April 6, , LaSalle completed his exploration of the Mississippi River and claimed all the territory drained by the great river and its tributaries for France, and gave it the name Louisiana in honor of the French king.
English traders and trappers overran the territory of Louisiana, and ultimately the French and Indian War began in As a result of the war, Great Britain obtained everything east of the Mississippi River according to the treaty of Paris, Feb. France obtained everything west of the Mississippi River. After the Revolutionary War, the west boundary of the U. The right to the use of the Mississippi River for trade and commerce was a controversial subject, and as soon as Spain ceded Louisiana back to France in , the U.
President Jefferson sent Robert R. Livingston and James Monroe to negotiate a treaty, which resulted in the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. Shortly after the Louisiana Purchase, on March 26, , President Jefferson authorized the division of the vast area into the Territory of Orleans, which included all that part north of the 33rd parallel.
The District of Louisiana, the north part, contained the present State of Iowa the Northwest Territory had been organized in In , the name of the District of Louisiana was changed to the Territory of Missouri. When the State of Missouri was admitted into the Union in March, , the north par of the area, including Iowa, was left without any form of civil government.
By the treaty of Aug. Statutes at large, page the tract of land lying south of the southern boundary of Iowa extending across the Des Moines River due east to the Mississippi was reserved for the half-breeds of the various Indian tribes.
There has been considerable intermarriage of whites with the Indian women and the offspring were the beneficiaries of the , acres. In a later treaty the Indian tribes, not including the half-breeds, ceded all their remaining interests to the Federal Government.
Under the original grant the half-breeds had the right to occupy the land as the Indians occupied their reservations. They had no right to sell or convey it, the U. Other signatures subsequently were obtained, and in response to the petition, Congress passed an act, approved by President Jackson, on Jan.
Lee County quickly became one of the most active real estate markets in the country, and the foundation was laid for a vast amount of litigation. Indians would often claim ownership of land by virtue of being half-breeds and had no difficulty in proving their mixed blood by the Indians, and would then cheat the speculators by selling land to which they had no rightful title. On the other hand, speculators often claimed land to which they had no right.
It was diamond cut diamond, until at last things became badly mixed. There were no authorized surveys, no boundary lines to claims, and as a result, numerous quarrels ensued. The act of Jan.
The division line was due westward from the foot of Rock Island. These counties were rapidly organized, and on Oct. George W. Through his efforts and influence, the Territory of Michigan was divided and the region west of the Mississippi became a part of the Territory of Wisconsin, with Gov.
Henry Dodge as Governor. Dodge immediately ordered a census, and the area was found to have a population of 10, When the Indians returned and were asked about New York, they only expressed their disgust.
Boston was the only place in the United States, in their estimation, and their opinion has been shared in by many white people, who since that time have made a pilgrimage from the West to the famous shrines of the East.
While residing at Ottumwah-nac, Keokuk received a message from the Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, in which the latter invited Keokuk, as king of the Sacs and Foxes, to a royal conference at his palace at Nauvoo, on matters of the highest importance to their respective people.
The invitation was accepted, and at the appointed time the king of the Sacs and Foxes, accompanied by a stately escort on ponies, wended their way to the appointed interview with the great apostle of the Latter Day Saints. Keokuk, as before remarked, was a man of good judgment and keen insight into the human character. He was not easily misled by sophistry nor beguiled by flattery. The account of this interview with Smith, as given by the author of the "Annals", so well illustrates these traits of his character that we give it in full:.
The audience was given publicly in the great Mormon temple, and the respective chiefs were attended by their suits, the prophet by the dignitaries of the Mormon church, and the Indian potentate by the high civil and military functionaries of his tribe, and the Gentiles were comfortably seated as auditors.
After the prophet closed his harangue, Keokuk waited for the words of his pale-faced brother to sink deep into his mind, and in making his reply, assumed the gravest attitude and most dignified demeanor. He would not controvert anything his brother had said.
But he wished to inquire about some particulars his brother had not named, that were of the highest importance to him and his people.
The red man were not much used to milk, and he thought they would prefer streams of water and in the country they now were there was a good supply of honey. The points they wished to inquire into were, whether the new government would pay large annuities, and whether there was plenty of whisky. Joe Smith saw at once that he had met his match, and that Keokuk was not the proper material with which to increase his army of dupes, and closed the interview in as amiable and pleasant manner as possible.
Until Keokuk resided with his tribe on a reservation of square miles, situated on the Iowa river. His headquarters were at a village bearing his name, located on the right bank of the stream. In this year, in accordance with the stipulations of a treaty held at Davenport, Keokuk with his followers removed to this territory, now comprised in the bounds of Keokuk, Mahaska and Wapello counties. The agency for the Indians, was located at a point where is now located Agency City. At this time an effort was made to civilize the red man.
Farms were opened up, and two mills were erected, one on Soap creek, and one on Sugar creek. A salaried agent was employed to superintend these farming operations.
Keokuk, Wapello and Appanoose, each had a large field improved and cultivated. Keokuk's farm was located upon what is yet known as Keokuk's Prairie, in what is now Wapello county. The Indians did not make much progress in these farming operations, and in the absence of their natural and wanted excitements, became idle and careless.
Many of them plunged into dissipation. Keokuk himself became badly dissipated in the latter years of his life. Pathetic as was the condition of these savages at this time, it was but the legitimate result of the treatment which they had received.
They were confined to a fixed location, and provided with annuities by the government, sufficient to meet their wants from year to year. They were in this manner prevented from making those extensive excursions, and embarking in those war-like pursuits, which for time immemorial had formed the chief avenues for the employment of those activities, which for centuries had claimed the attention of the savage mind; and the sure and regular means of subsistence furnished by the government, took away from them the incentives for the employment of these activities, even had the means still existed.
In addition to this the Indian beheld his lands taken from him, and his tribe growing smaller year by year. Possessed of an ideal and imaginative intellect he could not help fore-casting the future, and thus being impressed with the, thought, that in a few years, all these land would be in the possession of the white man, while his tribe and his name would be swept into oblivion by the tide of emigration, which pressed in upon him from every side.
Keokuk saw all this, and seeing it, had neither the power nor inclination to prevent it. Take the best representative of the Anglo-Saxon race, and place him in similar circumstances, and he would do no better. Shut in by restraint from all sides, relieved from all the anxieties comprehended in that practical question, what shall we eat and wherewithal shall we be clothed and deprived of all those incentives springing from, and inspired by a lofty ambition, and the best of us, with all our culture and habits of industry, would fall into idleness and dissipation and our fall would be as great if not as low as was the fall of that unhappy people who formerly inhabited this country, and whose disappearance and gradual extinction we shall now be called upon to contemplate.
Wapello, the cotemporary of Keokuk and the inferior chief, after whom a neighboring county and county-seat were named, died before the Indians were removed the State, and thus escaped the hnmilatiol1 of the scene. He like his superior chief, was a fast friend of the whites and wielded an immense influence among the individuals of his tribe.
As is mentioned in a former chapter, he presided over three tribes in the vicinity of Fort Armstrong, during the time that frontier post was being erected.
In he removed his village to Muscatine Swamp, and then to a place near where is now located the town bearing his name.